Hi Orbits, I'm a brand strategist & social media manager just providing insight on why you should ALWAYS tag " #LOONA #이달의소녀
@loonatheworld" in all your LOONA related post. This is a short thread of pros (and yes there are no cons!) on why you should do it ALL THE TIME.
1️⃣ No matter what sns platform you're in, hashtags help categorize a certain topic for the platform to recommend to all of its users. The more we use " #LOONA #이달의소녀 @loonatheworld", the more the platform recommends LOONA especially to those with similar interests.
2️⃣ Remember "Stan LOONA"? The reason for its success is not because Orbits got creative in using it (sometimes too creative). The true reason why it got successful is that EVERYONE is spamming it everywhere. Now imagine using " #LOONA #이달의소녀 @loonatheworld" instead...
3️⃣ The girls WILL DEFINITELY see your posts more often. As you can see, their twitter account DOES NOT follow anyone, so how do you think are the girls looking for posts about them? Yes, you're right, they search for " #LOONA #이달의소녀 @loonatheworld"
4️⃣ It is proven TIME & TIME again, and this is true because I've worked with different brands already about this. HASHTAGS increases the chance that your posts WILL BE FOUND thus increasing the chance that your post WILL GO VIRAL. #LOONA #이달의소녀 @loonatheworld
5️⃣ IF everyone uses " #LOONA #이달의소녀 @loonatheworld", it will be an easier community to search for the bad apples and promote those who are doing their best to promote our girls. We all want to protect our girls and help them rise up, right?
6️⃣ Brands like #Billboard ( #BillboardSocial50), #Spotify ( #SpotifyViral), and more track these hashtags in platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and MORE! The more you consistently use #LOONA #이달의소녀 @loonatheworld, the more the girls get recognized!
7️⃣ Search engines like #Google #Naver #Yahoo and more track hashtags from all over the web. Using #LOONA #이달의소녀 @loonatheworld provides LOONA more business opportunities, more people to search them up, and maybe finally get Hyunjin that Earring CF!
8️⃣ Orbits are notorious for getting viral FAST. We like stirring up social media with all our hilarious "news". Imagine getting viral due to a LOONA content and THEM not having any views at all coz you didn't include #LOONA #이달의소녀 @loonatheworld
✨ That's it for now! If you have any questions about the topic, comment on any part of this thread! Please share this to all the Orbits you know so when #LOONA #이달의소녀 @loonatheworld finally comes back, we would know how to market them better!
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