Day 3 of Sk8boarding for 30 minutes every day until i forget or can't!

Hey so I picked up a new hobby and i accidentally got super hooked and did it a bunch so now I'm turning it into a project.

today i Unlocked ollie! jump->pop-> slide still not consistent. got one in motion
day 4 of sk8ing for 30 minutes every day until i forget or cant!

today i sk8d all the way down the street to Walgreens and back for snacks and makeup wipes! super easy nice and hilly time. shins hurt a lol bit

side note: these are my favorite chips if you ever wanna surprise me
Day 5 of skateboarding!!!

got a loot of ollie practice today I feel like I'm starting to get okay at it messy overall but learning a lot. by extension I rolled my ankle a goofy way and room a break halfway through. icing it now after practice
Day 6!

first time skating during the day lmao. more ollie practice, starring to get the movements right I just have to jump higher and pop harder.

starting powerslides already cause I accidentally did one

messed up on a shove it and landed on my wrist.

might skate later idk
Day 7 of skateboards!!

so yesterday I may have fractured my wrist! will prolly have to go to the orthopedist.

lesson learned I guess. wear wrist guards lmao probably not gonna skate today
day 8 of skateboarding!

so I shouldn't be skateboarding right now but I really like it so.....

skated before and after work!!

realized I haven't been sliding during my ollies and suddenly they're more clean.

saving up for skate shoes Tuesday ill have enough!
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