As an autistic person this makes me very ...uneasy....
The wording of the shades just is .. not it and idk if I like the idea of a pallet making profit of a disability ?

Any other Autistic ppl feeling like this ?!
This is so awful...
The way the have worded this and done it is like we have a cure able ..we ARE disabled, we need more advocacy not "awareness" like we are sick ...
Also "I'm his voice"

Even non verbal people with autism HAVE THIER OWN VOICE!!!
"autism it's not a disability it's a different ability society says I'm Autistic god says I'm perfect* NO?! we ARE Disabled! Instead of treating us like we are different by saying "we have a different ability" treat us like a normal human ! Yes we are disabled #ActuallyAutistic
"mother son".. NOT JUST BOYS ARE AUTISTIC!!!
"I'm his voice "
NO?! even non verbal Autistic people Have thier OWN VOICE! saying this is so DEMENING!!
the fact the profits are going to autism speaks ...who are actively trying to find a "cure" like we are some sort of disease #ActuallyAutistic -
The fact you say "use code autism for 10% off"

WTF?! it's clear this is a poor ploy to get more customers and store credit ..NO THIS IS INCREDIBLY DEMENDING and me as a Autistic woman cried over this #ActuallyAutistic I feel so invalidated
Im crying I'm so fustrated!

the shade names are offensive and demening!!
I hate this with a passion it's so offensive

We are no a code for 10% off,
And the pact some of the proceeds go to autism speaks ?!
#ActuallyAutistic #AutismAwareness #autisticlivesmatter
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