She did this in natural sunlight with water and many people in the comments didn’t catch on until the third drink. Now replace this with a colored drink in a dark, crowded, club after a few drinks...this is scary
A few things:
1. It may be easier for some to catch than others but to reiterate, someone will not likely drug your water in broad day light
2. “Don’t go out...” is obtuse as don’t drive to avoid car accidents or don’t go out to avoid being robbed. Please shut up
3. She was alone so she could not show it but this could very well happen with your drink in your hand, especially number 5 clubs are very crowded and no one thinks anything when being bumped into
4. If you’re friend is inexplicably drunk or does not feel well, TAKE THEM HOME!
4. (Again) Amazon has test strips for $13 they’re good to have especially if you’re in a new or foreign environment or you’re alone but again if you or a friend become inexplicably drunk go to the ER or home whichever you think is best
5. Do not think that these pervs work alone. My friend once caught someone put something in my drink while she was returning from the bar. my cup was in my hand, I turned away for a split second to decline a drink from a stranger. They were together & likely thought I was alone
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