as a licensed social worker who is fully qualified to professionally diagnose and treat mental disorders, I believe self diagnosis is totally valid and can be a helpful tool for individuals who cannot seek professional care. (thread)
first and foremost: the medical-industrial complex is incredibly flawed. there are many reasons why someone might not be able get a professional diagnosis, including systemic racism, misogyny, ableism, and classism. (2/?)
seeking mental health treatment can be incredibly expensive in the US, even if you have insurance. and once you're in the office, you're still subject to documented discrepancies in care if you belong to a marginalized group. (3/?)
here's the secret about professional diagnosis -- professionals aren't perfect. you're probably not going to get the exact correct diagnosis right away. in many cases, we might even make a preliminary "best guess" for insurance billing purposes, and work from there. (4/?)
mental health professionals have the same exact references that you do -- the DSM-5 and ICD-10 are both freely accessible on the internet. there's no reason why anyone couldn't access and use these materials for themselves. (5/?)
mental health diagnoses are, with a few exceptions, clusters of symptoms commonly found together. if you're experiencing symptoms of a diagnosis, then resources for that diagnosis will probably help you, even if you don't necessarily qualify. (6/?)
there are still reasons why professional diagnoses are helpful and necessary. professional mental health care is an important tool for recovery, but if that isn't accessible to you, I don't believe you should be completely barred from speaking on your experiences. (7/?)
bottom line: mental health diagnosis validates people's experiences, and provides guidance for tools and treatment. everyone deserves to have access to mental health treatment, whether that's help from a professional, or free resources online. if a dx helps, then use it! (8/?)
That's all I have to say for now. I'll try to come back and share some of my favorite free mental health resources below. I encourage everyone else to do the same. Stay well, everyone <3
for those calling my credentials into question...
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