Again I say: What the fuck does something that is systemic have to do with y'all wanting to date bisexuals, and why the fuck are people who aren't bisexual even speaking on this? And also are the rest of y'all suddenly unaffected by misogyny and heterosexism?
"I understand the argument against bigotry but..."

What is wrong with y'all? Is it sumn in the milk? Suddenly we're reducing convos about biphobia to dating preferences? Suddenly compulsory heterosexuality only affects bisexual and straight women?
"Man residue" tho? Y'all are giving these men way too much power and making this shit an interpersonal issue instead of a systemic one. Any plenty of y'all who would unfollow these same people over other forms of bigotry will continue to follow them and ignore their biphobia.
Do the cis lesbians who used to suck dick have "man residue?" Or do they get a pass? What about lesbians who paired off with men early on because of homophobia in their family/community and came out at a later age? Who all is affected by this residue and does it ever wash off?
Is "man residue" cis for sperm?
Most definitely this shit is connected to TERF lesbian nonsense, which is why straight cis women need to sit tf down. Biphobia and transphobia are connected and a lot of transphobic rhetoric is being couched in biphobia on social media.
Anytime we confront biphobia here y'all come talmbout "lesbians don't have to date bisexuals if they don't want," along with constant arguments about gendered "safe" spaces.

I hope y'all know what this sounds like and that none of this shit is new.
That's gross, that's a gross way to live.
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