shameless lupin thread here:
pretty sure Zenigata is physically incapable of dying based on the number of times Lupin pretty much should have killed him
I love how lupin is like “yeah I don’t kill people” but constantly endangers zenigata’s life almost every episode, i.e. when he blows up a blimp knowing full well he’s on it
honestly every episode there’s a moment where I’m like “how is this man not dead” and they even riff on it in the seventh day advent movie
which is a great film, least of all for the scene where lupin uses puppets to play-act a heist
best part of watching lupin is trying to figure out whether or not fujiko likes lupin on any level in any given episode (or movie)
this man lives in my head rent free
also I firmly believe that all of the money the lupin gang gets (if they even get anything at all) goes to maintaining that stupid little fiat
lupin clearly Does Not respect fujiko or most women for that matter but I am still vibing with this show. this man is so stupid.
lupin tries so hard and almost always gets nothing in the end lmao, why do jigen and goemon stick with him at this point (other than their unbreakable friendship obviously)
on a similar note fujiko two times them 90% of the time she works with them and yet every time, they’re surprised? the gang has 10 brain cells between them
I am still thinking about how lupin asked jigen and goemon to kill him when he thought he was a murderer like damn
okay so lupin’s Japanese VA is incredible obviously, whole cast is great, but I’ve been sold on the dub ever since they made the president sound like Clinton
goemon and jigen have the best banter and you can’t change my mind
case in point
also this is hands down one of my favorite goemon lines
lupin has an infinite supply of the same stupid red jacket/white slacks combo I swear to god
one element of the dub I really love is how lupin calls fujiko “fujicakes,” it’s so cute? wish I had a cute nickname like that
okay so far we’ve got two part 2 episodes with nazis and/or nazi treasure I’m gonna keep a running total on this
the episode previews are so good...
I’m pretty sure lupin is really the only one that’s firmly against killing people. goemon openly talks about wanting to murder dudes (even though he usually just incapacitates them).
part two goemon feels very different from goemon when he was introduced like... lupin rubbed off on him I guess
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