I believe we are "NOT" in a crypto bubble territory despite hearing concerns around it lately. A few google trend charts to back up my statement 👇!

@cburniske @QWQiao @sethginns @pankaj_delta_ex @anildelphi @Galois_Capital
Bitcoin searches are anemic compared to their 2017 peak.

Bitcoin searches as a "currency" are tiny compared to their 2017 and 2019 peaks. This chart makes me wonder about the characteristic of the upcoming mania. Who will lead the show?
Ethereum searches did cross their 2019 peak and seem to accelerate but significantly below the peak 2017/8 mania.

#ETH #ethereum
Searches for the term "blockchain" severely depressed too.

Searches for "blockchain engineer" showing no abrupt increase and have been steady for the last couple of years.

@stack__sats @crypto_bobby
Search for "Solidity" programming language barely showing any uptick. Look how it went bananas in 2017.

#ETH #solidity
People are not visiting popular websites to check prices that often. You can argue that people check prices in apps but crypto virgin people do not have these apps. Existing crypto users are barely in a few hundred millions.

#coingecko #Coinmarketcap
Look at the searches for coinbase. Company is also expected to go public and was in news lately. Still! No love when it comes to Google searches.

This makes me believe we are not in a bubble but why then are these concerns? Surely some things are heating up! What are those things?
Central Bank Digital Currency. Regulators, policy makers and central banks over the world are finally reaching the fifth & final stage of grief.


Decentralized Finance. #DeFi

Yes, it is heating up, but is barely twice when you compare with 2019. Bubbles don't have such low bars.

At least go parabolic, if not hockey stick, before we call it a bubble. It is all crypto native people shuffling money around.
Non-fungible tokens?

What I see is a healthy growth before it goes parabolic. Also, the market cap is not enough for liquid strategies. Even a lot of crypto native people are not focusing on it.

@jbrukh @Galois_Capital @rariblecom @SuperRare_co @masonnystrom
To summarize, things are heating up in a couple of sectors within crypto, but we are miles away from a holistic crypto bubble.

If dotcom is an analogy, should we even expect a holistic bubble followed by a crash? Or a steady march ahead like the tech boom of the last 20 years?
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