Went to let salamanders go tonight. Go down to laundry room, find plastic tub with lid open. Oh no. Pull out little hiding places we gave them: a small Tupperware container upside-down and a toy dump truck my 6 yo swore they'd love. Count 5 salamanders. *Sigh* should be 7.....
Headlamps and flashlights on, we start tearing through the downstairs. Crawling under ducts, lifting washer/dryer, everything off the floor. Nothing. Distraught to give animals I love an accidental death sentence due to a sneaky and curious toddler. Last ditch technique:
Lights off, lay on the floor, listen for any small noise. I hear a tiny scratch. Wait a few minutes, again. Crawl towards sound. My face inches away..from the toy truck. Lift it up and, you know, maybe it feels a little heavier than usual? Flip it over to investigate...
Stare at the bottom of the toy truck. Bloop, salamander head pops out. Haha. Get a screwdriver to take wheels off and cross fingers there are somehow two of them jammed in there...
Modern day Bonnie and Clyde stowing away in the toy truck, no worse for wear. Whew!
Gotta figure out how to tell son that, yes, they do like the truck. However, I think they were ready to drive off in it. Maybe we choose something else and keep out of little brother's reach next time?
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