Blue>Pinkerton>White>Maladroit>EWBAITE>Green>Hurley>Red>Black>Pacific Daydream>Ratitude>Make Believe>Teal
The bottom 5 can fluctuate for me depending on the day and how much I’m digging the song Perfect Situation, today I am not feeling it
Also I’ll admit, Teal is an easy punching bag. Though I feel like it doesn’t incorporate a lot of what makes Weezer unlikable, I do find it to be overproduced and unlistenable even by the standards of the bands poppiest material. The Toto covers were fine enough though
i made this thread because I haven’t lost any followers in a while and I wanted to remind everyone that I earnestly enjoy weezer, yes even bad weezer

I will update this thread whenever Van Weezer releases
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