Someday, we'll look at what we've done in the name of gender ideology and ask how so many intelligent, compassionate, and well-meaning people could have supported medicalizing GNC kids, strip-mining women's rights, and silencing women's voices.

Start working on your answer now.
Decide now what would it take for you to say this movement isn’t what I thought it was, this isn’t what I thought I was supporting.
Or even: This one thing has gone too far and harming the cause itself or the people it purports to serve, or undermining something else I care about -- like women's rights, freedom of speech, the possibility of solidarity across difference.
Clarify your values. Check and double-check that what you advocate for lives up to those values. Think about what kind of world you want to live in. How do people treat one another? What future do we want the next generation to inherit?
It’s not only the means gender ideologues adopt that trouble me. What are the ends? A world where everyone who doesn't feel comfortable with constrictive and sexist gender roles takes hormones and undergoes surgery?

Where are we going? Is it really to a better place?
Trans activism strips agency from trans people and allies alike, with an overriding message: Don't trust your own judgment.
If you wonder if you're trans, you're trans. If you have doubts, you've got internalized transphobia. If you detransition, you were never really trans.

Maybe you're an "egg" someone is determined to crack. You don't know yourself: we do.
"Cis" allies: Don't ask questions. You don't need to understand what this movement's claims and demands mean or where they lead—just lend your support. Repeat your lines.
Don't trust people who order you to close your eyes and let them tell you what you see.

Look for yourself. Does this movement really embody your values? Does it live up to the principles you set for yourself?
Does this movement even embody its own stated values?

What's "authentic" about changing everything about yourself? What's "inclusive" about destroying spaces and institutions that facilitate women's full participation in society? What's kind about rape and death threats?
Or has gender ideology twisted more words than just "woman" out of all recognition? Inclusion, equity, fairness, rights, privilege, violence, hate. What do these words mean once gender activists are done with them?
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