☀️ kiyotaka ishimaru OCD headcanons ☀️
im extremely passionate about this so im gonna list some of my personal interpretations .. this is ok 2 rt btw!
♡ his biggest ocd theme is moral scrupulosity
♡ taka has issues with being “good” and “not bad”. he worries excessively about his actions being immoral or correct.
♡ has intrusive thoughts about doing actions he’s morally opposed to, and he frequently ruminates over these
♡ worries that these thoughts reflect his true self, and obsesses over them
♡ taka has mental rituals he performs to neutralize the “bad thoughts”
♡ he also has contamination issues, which are tied to the morality obsessions (”it would be bad +
+ not to wash hands before interacting with my friends”)
♡ very strict routine. he Must do it in the exact order or horrible things will happen. he gets easily irritated if these rituals are interrupted
♡ excessively apologizes for potential failures he could have commited
♡ literally never swears and feels dirty for even thinking about those words
♡ anyways his friends are always there for him. taka is such an anxious person in general and he immensely appreciates the soothing energy his loved ones can provide for him.. friendship is magic
♡ they all know something’s up with him, they don’t exactly know about it being ocd until chihiro convinces him to seek therapy and he gets diagnosed. they all put effort into learning about the disorder to make things easier for him
♡ therapy helps a lot. while ocd cannot simply disappear, there is a huge improvement and he becomes more able to let himself be flexible and break his mental set of rules sometimes. healing and recovering on earth <3
thats all i have please enjoy. i love this man and ill self project until the day i die <3
this is all ok to rt if u dont have ocd just be respectful if u decide 2 comment smth !!!
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