I didn't want to bring the Goro Calendar situation into the limelight, but after months of silence this needs to become public. It was a long time coming tbh, so here comes a thread of my interactions with the "YOTC Team", or should I say @/cafeghosties

RTs are appreciated.
On the 26th of February (mind that there might be some date inconsistencies due to me living in the Eastern hemisphere) this e-mail was sent out to everyone who purchased the calendar regarding the delay in shipment (by 2 months at this point) and a possibility of opening refunds
I asked for a refund the same day and the responce was almost immediate. Which is good, I thought at first. "As soon as possible" and "take your time" seem like a joke now.
A month goes by and no responce. I'm starting to get worried not just about my refund, but the shipment of the calendars to the other customers as well. I write an e-mail on 14th of April and they offer me a PDF 'on top of my refund', and this is something I want to emphasize.
They sent me the PDF with a JPG of a cover art on the 20th of April.
And then silence. Again. Which I decide to break on the 14th of August, 3 months after our last interaction. To this day (25th of August) I haven't gotten a response from them.
This should be a public issue. You can remove your name from the bio of the YOTC account, but we remember. Stop trying to escape and own up to your mistakes. I highly encourage everyone to share their experience too and, most importantly, we must hold Nate accountable.
And, finally, Nate - you can softblock me all you want, I know you did it right after realizing I was asking for a refund. You can hardblock me even, I don't care. But the issue won't disappear if you simply close your eyes. Try blocking everyone you scammed, good luck.
Here's my solution - apologize and finally send out the calendars. Yes, the year is in its 3rd quarter already, but you're making it even worse with each day passing. You can't issue refunds? Doesn't matter. Finish what you started a year ago, deliver on your promise.
I mean, what else are you gonna do with all of these now? https://twitter.com/AkechiCalendar/status/1252594266632830977?s=19
Happy to see you're finally acknowledging the issue, but don't make it sound like the troubles begun Just Now. You should've rang the alarms way back in December of 2019 when you realized you won't be able to ship them by the start of the year https://twitter.com/cafeghosties/status/1297962869011734529?s=19
I'll try to update this thread as the refunds proceed. Nate seems to take the issue seriously, expect them by the end of the week.
Also you're free to reply to this thread or DM me myself when you get them. Of course I will not be posting any personal information, but I also +
believe that people deserve to know what goes on behind the scenes at the moment, even if they aren't involved with the calendar directly. I just want everyone to get what they were ought to receive long time ago.
If there's problem with it let me know.
Update: even the contributing artists haven't been properly compensated for their work. They were promised physical copies of the calendar but are yet to receive anything from Nate, much like the customers.
A correction on my statement: Nate contacted and informed me that the reason he softblocked me wasn't related to the calendars; at the time he didn't even know I was asking for a refund.
UPDATE: I just got my refund. Nate said that he would try to issue the rest as fast as possible, but it might take two more weeks.
Update: the PDFs with the changed dates have been sent out.
Update: it's been brought to my attention that none of the artists were credited neither in the physical copies of the calendar, nor in PDFs.
Also, please, don't harass the artists involved with the zine. They have nothing to do with this whole situation and are victims as much as everyone else.
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