I don't get the idea of just wanting PR & Sentai shows to continue just for the sake of existing. If the shows aren't doing great or are of good quality, then they shouldn't be making them. (THREAD)
I get that it continuing annually is a nice prospect because it's familiar and gives us something to watch, but I feel it's hindering both products. Think about it, Rider and Ultraman have both had hiatuses at some point during their run and it's allowed them to change up...
their formulas. Most other franchises don't make content annually because you run the risk of hitting a rut creatively. Now of course this isn't always the case cause some of these shows have occasional production shifts that actually shake things up, but just think about...
how good a season of Sentai could be if the whole thing was planned out from the beginning? Suits, Mecha, Storylines, all of it planned out and not improvising some last minute changes. Just let the storytellers tell their stories.
Now, you're probably asking "Well how could they keep making toys if they took breaks"? Well, for PR it's actually a lot easier because of the inter connectivity of the universe, you could do a year of an anthology themed toy line remaking old zords, popular rangers, etc.
For Sentai this should be easier, but Sentai, unlike PR, has never had a consistent shared universe so the times we see rangers from longer than 2+ years ago are very few and far in between. That's why I thought Saikyo Battle was such a fresh idea for Sentai because it...
gave the current target demographic the chance to meet some characters they never got the chance to. I'd love for Toei to venture out with similar ideas in the future. You have literally hundreds of actors across almost 50 years, a lot of which I'm sure would love to come back.
Take more chances. Viewership has consistently gone down anyways for years so what more do you have to lose? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Toei has got to be more bold if they want Sentai and Rider to become global brands.
Not to mention that if somehow we do end up in some weird timeline where Toei no longer has a regular relationship with Power Rangers production, they're gonna be on their own. Their ship is sinking and they gotta think fast. Sorry for the tangent, but just had it on my mind.
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