TW // pedophelia, child abuse & exploitation material

This image has been making its rounds on twitter, the picture contains a poorly censored picture of a child being sexually abused
The original tweet got over 50k likes and 23k rts

The image got deleted however op reposted the image again

If you suspect that you are viewing cp: Do not post repost/tweet, retweet, quote rt or qrt a qrt- whether its censored or not, you're not spreading awareness, you are redistributing child pornography
Just report it to the site and authorities. It's their job to investigate and do it ethically as there are steps to investigating disturbing situations like this and saving the child in question without outside intervening and potentially causing harm
While i'm sure op was genuinely worried for this child- it must be said when making a PSA about this kind of thing NEVER EVER post the picture of the abuse in question, whether or not you mean well
btw dont go find the op or anything, I wanted to use this situation as an example to tell people the right thing to do, I don't like standing around and watching this thing constantly happen so I thought I'd say something
(apologies if my english/grammer is bad)
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