host: lan zhan, we asked wei ying here what your favorite activity to do together is. what did he say?

lwj: that is simple. wei ying and i love to garden together.

wwx: *flips over his answer and it says 'bed stuff ;)'*

lwj: Why Would You Say This On National Television
host: wei ying, we asked lan zhan to rate your cooking on a scale of 1 to 10. what did he give you?

wwx: omg obviously a 10!

lwj: ....

wwx: why aren't you saying anything lan zhan

lwj: ...

wwx: lan zhan flip your answer around

lwj: no

wwx: lan zhan.
host: lan zhan, we asked wei ying: who fell in love with who first?

lwj: wei ying fell in love with me first

wwx: omg lan zhan!! that's exactly what i put đŸ„ș

lwj: i would like to elaborate that i don't actually believe this. i just knew that would be your answer.

wwx: ...
host: wei ying, whats the thing lan zhan loves most about you?

wwx: oh, he tells me this all the time. he loves my smile, my laugh, my creativity, how adventurous i am-

host: we said one thing... you just made this a lot harder for him
host to lan zhan: we asked wei ying what you love most about him. what did he say?

lan zhan: It is impossible to list one thing. I love his smile, his laugh, his creativity, how adventurous he is-

host: wtf
host to wei ying: we asked lan zhan, what do you do that drives him crazy?

wwx: oh! haha, well... nibble on his ears i guess

host: ...

lwj: ...i said you eat with your mouth open sometimes

wwx: i see i grossly misunderstood the question.
host to wei ying: we asked lan zhan, which of you two is the most organized?

wwx: omg this is a hard one!

lwj: no it isn't.
host to wei ying: we asked lan zhan to name your least attractive quality. his answer wasn't exactly valid, but...

wwx: *sighs* let me guess. he said, "Everything about Wei Ying is attractive."

lwj: and ill say it again.
host to lan zhan: we asked Wei Ying to tell us which of his family members you get along best with

lwj: Jiang Yanli

wwx: *grins mischievously* I said Jiang Cheng

lwj: .....I do not believe you actually said that.

wwx: see for yourself pretty boy 😘 *hands him paper*

host to Wei Ying: same question as the last round. which of lan zhan’s family members do you get along best with?

wwx: lan huan!

lwj: the answer I chose was uncle.

wwx: ...

lwj: pretty boy.
host to lan zhan: we asked Wei Ying to remember what song was played during the first dance at your wedding. What did he say?

lwj: wangxian

wwx: *clears throat*

lwj: *sigh* dot mp3
if any of you have one please don’t be shy to tweet it, I’m sure you’re all more creative than I am 😭
i accidentally continued this thread under the wrong tweet so excuse the double posting of the next couple tweets 👀
host to lan zhan: while wei ying is backstage we'll ask you, from 1 to 10, how attractive does he look right when he wakes up?

lwj: 20.5

host: uh. *laughs* well with an answer like that we certainly know who's sleeping on the couch tonight for costing them the game!
host to wei ying: we asked lan zhan how attractive he thinks you are right after you've woken up in the morning

wwx: 20.5, probably

host: .......
host to lan zhan as wei ying is backstage: complete the following sentence: "the next time my husband leaves his [blank] on the [blank], im tossing it out the window"

lwj: his clothes on his body

host: this is a family show
host to wei ying: we asked lan zhan, if you two had a child, who would be the strict parent?

wwx: we actually have a little a-yuan so this question is easy haha. it's lan zhan.

lwj: i put it was you.

wwx: ...

lwj: you wouldnt buy him the toy he wanted

wwx: say sike right now
host: wei ying, where's the most public place you guys have ever 'done it'?

wwx: oh. lan zhan's uncle owns this library, so... i wont say more because i know he's watching.

lwj: *slowly turns board around, which says 'im sorry uncle' on it*
host: lan zhan, we asked wei ying to guess what you would choose to save in the case of a fire: your phone, your computer, or your wallet?

lwj: wei ying.

host: that's not one of the options.

lwj: then this is a flawed question.

wwx: i told you he'd say that.
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