RAR HOW DARE YOU NOT FALL IN LINE FOR A KENNEDY RAR RAR https://twitter.com/jeffreysrobbins/status/1297996695566012417
Sit the fuck down @joekennedy
I can also guarantee half my timeline gets more death threats per day than Joe Kennedy.

And like, no one should be getting death threats! That shit is wrong!
But also? It's not like we've been hearing about Markey campaign staff doing any of this sort of thing, like we did for a certain presidential candidate.

It's not like Markey's been putting out smear ads. (Sure, Kennedy is PISSED about the ads, but they ain't smears.)
I just... oh my god Joe go AWAY.
Anyway looking forward to this thread being used by the Kennedy campaign as evidence of how mean Markey supporters are.

(Ps I voted for Markey over a week ago)
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