A defense I constantly hear for #Stadia is that they are a cloud provider and thus not in competition with the #PlayStation5 or #XboxSeriesX. Ask yourself, "What platforms can I play #Cyberpunk2077 on?" -- Hint: The Playstation, Xbox, and Stadia. Yes, they're in competition.
That said, #Stadia competing with the #PlayStation5 and #XboxSeriesX doesn't mean that Stadia is inferior or that your platform of choice should detract from the fun you have. Stadia has a lot going for it -- it's just a shame that Google isn't embracing it.
We're in a weird period where the new consoles are coming and the preorders haven't hit yet. Google has a HUGE opportunity right now to dig into every tweet and YouTube video's comments and exclaim that people can get next-gen fidelity without buying a $500 console. Buuuut....
...they're not. They're silent. They're playing by the Google playbook, and that doesn't work in this space. Google won't have the opportunity to claw away a chunk of the player base until the mid-gen refreshes or the next next-gen console window. Once the preorders drop....
...that's it. People will have voted with their wallets and #Stadia will either be relegated to a secondary system or a passing check-in from time to time. Without active users, launching titles generate less revenue. Without revenue, publishers will be less likely to port games.
With fewer games, there will be fewer players, and thus less revenue and the cycle will just continue to spiral.
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