CW: abuse, trauma, food, weight.

PSA to batshit gender crits: contrary to your fantasy theories, trauma coping mechanisms exist to find the shortest distance between trauma occurence and prevention of reoccurence. 1/
As in, "Do whatever the fuck we need to do to stop this horrible thing happening again as fast as possible."

Gender transition is an extremely slow, complicated, difficult process, and therefore useless as a coping mechanism. 2/
Do you know what the research says traumatised and abused women and girls *actually* do to quickly opt out of feeling like sex objects?

They gain weight on purpose. They develop an unhealthy relationship with food because they regain control of their bodies through eating. 3/
All their lives, they've been conditioned to think being fat = being undesirable, so they think "if I make myself fat and ugly, no one will think I'm sexy, and that horrible thing will never happen to me or my body again. I can control my body again." 4/
So they eat unhealthy amounts of unhealthy food and gain an unhealthy amount of weight. There is a clearly established link between food and weight problems in women and girls and a history of sexual abuse. Go and find it, I'm not Google. Google Scholar is Google. 5/
So, let's go over what we've learned tonight:

- Transition is long and complicated.

- Getting fat is quick and easy.

- Trauma responses exist to make avoiding repeated trauma as easy as possible.

I'm sure you don't have to imagine hard to put yourself in the -- 6/
-- position of a traumatised and abused woman or girl.

Pick one. In fact, you don't even need to pick one. Your traumatised mind has picked for you. Hint: It took the easy option.

Now be on your way and stop being so completely stupid. No charge, I'm nice like that. 7/7
Morning, folks. I ragetweeted this thread at 2AM, then went to sleep, so, clarification:

None of this is to invalidate fat people, or make being fat wrong, or suggest fat people are all trauma babies. That's bullshit. You can recognise that eating disorders can be a --
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