Matt Gaetz: "I'm speaking to you from an auditorium emptier than Joe Biden's daily schedule."
Matt Gaetz emphasizes that Trump didn't start any wars, unlike his predecessors.
Previous speaker was a small business owner in Montana talking about the American dream and the challenges of recent months.
Gaetz says that sometimes President Trump "raises his voice and a ruckus" adds that Trump knows that's what it takes to raise an army of patriots to protect America.
Kim Klacik talking about Democrats routinely taking black peoples' votes for granted. She's running as a Republican in Baltimore, where there are a number of black Republicans running for office.
"We want a chance to get ahead, not just get by," -- @kimKBaltimore
Democrats started convention with Eva Longoria, who played a housewife, says Ronna Romney McDaniel, who adds that she's a real housewife who is only second woman to run GOP.
McDaniel: heard a lot about Dems' loathing of Trump but nada about their policies on energy, immigration, police, etc. "Raising taxes on 82% of Americans is not nice," she says, of Dems' pitch that Biden is a nice guy. Neither are his other policies, such as abortion extremism.
GOP now playing a 2016 tape of a Trump campaign speech and the promises Trump made and then showing their case for how he fulfilled them, whether about veterans, trade deals, appointing good judges to courts, etc. "Promises made, promises kept" is the theme.
A West Virginia nurse is up now, daughter of a nurse and a coal miner, talking about how she went to New York and Texas as a COVID relief nurse. She says Trump admin changes on health policy enabled better telemedicine.
Video feature now about how WHO and Democratic politicians got Coronavirus from Wuhan very, very wrong, and got mad about Trump banning travel, etc. Quoting Cuomo and Newsom praising federal government response.
For whatever it's worth, and we're only one hour in, this convention thus far features noticeably fewer celebrities and far more working class and professional Americans.
Right now a group of nurses, police officers, etc. are talking to Trump in White House. Some talking about how they got Coronavirus and recovered.
Jim Jordan highlighting the crime, violence, mob rule in Democratic-run cities -- and criticizing their plan to take away guns, defund police.
Herschel Walker talking about his deep and abiding friendship with Trump.
Oh my gosh, now Herschel Walker is saying he went to Disneyland with Donald Trump and that he won't ever forget him riding the It's A Small World ride in a suit.
Walker says that Trump cares about social justice in the black community through his actions, by working to improve their lives. "He leaves nothing on the field." "If you love America and want to make it better, Donald Trump is your president. He's my president."
I'm sorry, I'm still thinking about Donald Trump in a suit riding the "It's A Small World" ride at Disney next to Herschel Walker. How are there no photos of this?
Natalie Harp gives a speech about Right To Try -- but also about the culture of death that pervades some political groups who love euthanasia, etc.
Vernon Jones, black Democrat and Georgia State Rep, explaining why a "growing segment" of black voters are not backing Biden and are instead backing Trump.
Vernon Jones condemns Democrats' war on police. Says when he announced his support for Trump, all hell broke loose. "Unfortunately that's consistent with the Democratic Party and how they view independent thinking black men and women"
Andrew Pollack, father of Meadow Pollack, murdered at Parkland, FL, condemns media for how they handled coverage and missed the real story of various government failures while pushing gun control.
Mark and Patty McCloskey say what happened to them could happen to any American -- say Democrats no longer view the government's job as protecting honest citizens from criminals but protecting criminals from honest citizens.
McCloskey says "Mob spurred on by allies in the media will try to destroy you." Talks of God-given right of every American to protect their home and family.
McCloskey: "Trump brought greatest economy country had ever seen, Democrats have brought nothing but destruction."
Rep. Steve Scalise, who was shot and nearly killed in my Northern Virginia neighborhood by a leftist activist, discussing his ordeal. (FWIW, my (very liberal) neighborhood responded to this attempted mass murder of Republicans by saying and doing nothing. Kinda scary!)
Sean Parnell says to Democrats: "In our tent, you are free"
Trump now speaking with hostages and detainees who have been released in recent years. Trump says he's working on getting more hostages released.
Maximo Alvarez says his family has fled totalitarianism and communism, both in Spain and Cuba. "By grace of God, I live American dream," he says. Says Trump may not be politically correct, but he puts America first. Says Biden is just concerned about power for elites.
Alvarez says that he's seen movements like the leftist one in the country today before -- says that these movements are based on broken promises and lead to death and destruction.
Maximo Alvarez is a good embodiment of the horror all of my friends from former Communist and totalitarian countries express over the current mob movements. For them, this is so so personal.
"This is the greatest country in the world. If I gave away everything I have today, it would not equal 1% of what I was given when I came to this country: the gift of freedom. It is up to us to decide our fate & choose: freedom over oppression." --Alvarez with a *powerful* speech
Tim Scott says to not just look at what candidates say but what they have done.
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