Today. After 20 years of not being allowed to vote due to a disgusting unjust Florida law, I finally received my first voter registration card. I’ll be able to vote in a presidential election for the first time in my life in November.
I’ve never spoken publicly about my life before wrestling. Being homeless, using drugs, and going to jail. Voter suppression is real. Criminals are not animals who shouldn’t vote. Some states remove your right to vote even if plead no contest, pay your debt to society. For life.
It’s wrong and should only be reserved for the worst offenses. In Florida, the right to own a firearm is automatically restored. Until recently, the right to vote wasn’t even an option for someone convicted or who pled no contest to a felony. That should be illegal. Period
If your state laws concerning felon voter rights, please look for any coalition that is working to overturn those laws and support them. We were able to get it done here and it should be a national movement. Criminals are people and we need to change that perception. And vote.
As I opened the letter, I broke down. I feel like I’m finally over the dark period that defined half my life.

This election is the most important of our lifetimes. We need change and can’t risk four more years of this mess. Don’t take it for granted. Vote.
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