what does bisexuality entail for you luv? https://twitter.com/sarah_ogun/status/1297997399806349312
what does it MEAN to you? Because to be blunt, if you truly are trying to label all bisexual people as comphet that in and of itself is inherently biphobic because you’re essentially telling people who have actually searched deeply within themselves that their...
experiences and very EXISTENCE isn’t valid. That the answers to the questions they’ve asked themselves to reach that conclusion aren’t VALID. Who are you to decide who is and who isn’t bisexual?? Patterns aside, personal experience aside, that was a generalized blanket statement
and you KNOW you wrong.
You acknowledging that it’s biphobic and then proceeding to say you “don’t care” just further confirms that you’re determined to ignore literally everybody else because as far as you’re concerned (based of your OWN experiences) “you’re right”
You have healing of your own that you need to do luv cause your own projections are ALL over the place in this thread whether you want to admit it or not and it’s got you talking some nonsense out the side of your neck.
Also,,,if you feel that way you could literally just, not date them??? Like clearly you’ve had some fucked up experiences that have led you to feel this way about the whole LOT, if you feel the way you do, why go out your way to broadcast it with broad statements when you could
literally not engage with them?
I hope you find all the love, healing and support you need hon, truly, because that was ugly and unnecessary.
Signed, a “non valid” bisexual black woman who spent the better half of her newly acquired adult life trying to figure out what my sexuality means TO ME.
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