A thread of the illustrations from the DMC4 Novels, scans courtesy of Cat from Devil's Lair: (1/3)
The art style looks similar to Tatsuya Yoshikawa's (DMC4 & DMC5 character designer), but I couldn't find any info confirming this. (2/3)
A full translation of the novels can be read here, but do keep in mind that some events in these novels deviate from canon. (3/3) https://originaldmc.github.io/DivinityStatue/Downloads.html
Someone asked about this, so I'll go over the main things in the novel that are different from the game.
1. in the novel, trish "borrows" gilgamesh, lucifer, and pandora (along with the Sparda) from Dante prior to the events of DMC4. Dante gets these devil arms during the game.
2. in the novel, Nero only has the yamato in his fight against sanctus in the savior, since red queen and blue rose are sucked into the savior. In DMC4, Nero has all his weapons in the final fight (maybe for gameplay reasons?)
The writer of the novels, Bingo Morihashi, was a writer for DMC4 (and created DMC3 Dante & Nero!) but quit during production because he felt like the team couldn't write a cohesive plot. He included some extra scenes in the novels that he wanted to put in DMC4 but couldnt.
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