bisexuals who prefer men are so valid to me idc if this is a problematic statement
You can’t be invalid to others idc idc, and y’all are valid to me. Cuz everytime I’ve dated a bi woman who centered / mostly only had experience dating men it was serious to them and even if it wasn’t that’s a me problem. Like this is a PATTERN YOU’RE ALL SO AMAZING.
Call me a normal person if you want, I promise you I don’t care LOL i love you all so much and WILL shower you with love and affection. you can lean to whatever gender or none at all and still be bi, valid, and fucking amazing
also this shouldn’t be a problematic statement at all!! idk if you saw the hate tweet that blew up but a lot of my bi oomfs were feeling shitty because of it so i made a kind of parody of it i didn’t expect it to blow up.
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