Another black man senselessly shot in the back by police in broad daylight & in the presence of his family. What’s it gonna take for half of you (you know who you are) to acknowledge the police state in the U.S. has a PROBLEM. Has always had a PROBLEM.
Will it be enough when they shoot and kill a child? (Tamir Rice) Shoot and kill woman sleeping in her bed? (Breonna Taylor) Shoot and kill a woman standing inside her home? (Atatiana Jefferson) Shoot and kill a young man for holding a cellphone? (Stephon Clark)
Shoot and kill a man sitting in his home eating ice cream? (Botham Jean) Shoot and kill a man who responsibly informed police of a legal firearm at a traffic stop? (Philando Castille)
And let me just add-RESISTING ARREST OR COMMITTING A CRIME IS NOT, NOR WILL EVER BE, A REASON TO BE SHOT AND KILLED BY POLICE. Police should not be judge, jury, and executioner. The people listed in this thread are joined by a multitude of others
who have been mercilessly taken from their friends, families, communities at the hands of violent police officers in this country. When will it be enough for some of you to pull your heads out of your privileged asses?
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