tw sexual abuse

i don't know why i'm talking about this right now but i'd like to know if someone else had the same thing. and perhaps it'll free me from it eh who knows.
When I was about 8 - 10 years old i've been sexually abused. So here's a short thread.
I've been abused by a relative, several times. thankfully i've never been raped. At the time, I didn't talk about it to anyone, I felt ashamed, dirty, disgusting, you know like most victims (+relative part). A bit later I told someone I still trust more than anything to this day.
I think the reason I told them was because they had gone through the same thing and told me about it, and suddenly you just feel less alone. Apart from them, I didn't speak about it for years.
And I actually forgot it.
I forgot it until Years later, something triggered me,
and reminded me of it. It came a bit as shock of course but I managed to push the bad memories back, they just pop in my brain from time to time, mainly when something triggers it.
I'm 21 now and I'm seeing a psychologist (due to chronic anxiety). Now this is the part I want to-
talk about. One time, she asked me something about my childhood, and i couldn't answer because i couldn't remember. So she asked me something else and i couldn't answer again, and again, and again..... I realised that I had forgotten probably about 85 to 90% of my childhood.
It took me some time to process that my brain actually "erased" a part of my life because of traumatic events (mainly sexual abuse, but not only) and I want to know if the same thing happened to someone here, first because i would feel less alone in this and bc i have questions.
so if anyone reacted the same way i did and would be ok to talk about it, hit the dms pls.

this thread isn't only about that though, i wanted to spit it out so my brain can't act like i should keep that a secret.
It's only when i wrote the word "victims" in this thread-
-that i realised that i was one, for over 10 years never realised i was trying to minimise it.
The reason I can't say if I was 8, 9 or 10 is because my brain literally tried to erase everything.
Last thing, Stop retweeting those moaning videos like they're funny. they can trigger victims, kids, sex repulsed people & people with anxiety, it can put kids and teens in trouble/danger if their parents or other people are around, and it's really just not funny anyway.
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