I know it sounds crazy, but I firmly believe that all the Nazis and the hypnotism of 1/3 of all Americans into a Jim Jones level cult and Covid-19 and climate change are all equally inevitable outputs of our high speed, high energy, giant scale, permanent growth, modern economy.
All the mass murder, school shootings, a society where murder and suicide are two major causes of death. And traveling to obtain resources is too. Killwd 35,000 or more every year since we turned the horses into glue.
Ain't that crazy?
I think it's all one thing.
I view my total environment, built, grown, social, government, all of it, through a lens of systems theory. I arrived at this view independently during a lifetime of maintaining portions of a few city's industrial communication network before the invention of cell phones.
You can, if you know all the numbers to push, pick up your telephone and call any other telephone on the entire planet. One wired network totally enveloping the entire planet, over which any two nodes anywhere can establish a connection.
5. If that connection fails, the failure point can be anywhere on the entire globe-spanning path between those two nodes.
N. E. Where.
This is not hyperbole. It takes every segment to make and maintain the connection.
My job was to find and fix it.
I was good at it.
6. We breathe this crud, people. I don't know if you realize this, but our bodies are constructed almost entirely of air and water.
We're poisoning the air and the water.
Why doesn't anyone else think this is inherently untenable?
7. We need to jump off the merry-go-round and put our feet back on the Earth.
This isn't about climate change. This is about humanity.
I say that once somebody built the World Trade Center and jetliners, the two would merge in consciousness and reality.
Couldn'a done it before.
8. Every day somebody bitches about Walmart, somebody else bitches about Amazon, somebody else bitches about Donald Trump, and then they all turn to me and say, "You're crazy! People aren't going to give this up!"
They are.
It's not optional.
9. The only vote humanity has here is in how we organize the change.
This isn't because Jeff wants. Jeff has spent his whole life repairing globe-spanning systems.
This one is broken, has slipped it's governor, and is about to fly all to flinders.
10. Jeff will be dying soon, even if he makes it to the long end if possible human life span. Jeff doesn't care. This isn't about designing Utopia.
I can't even tell you what it will look like. No clue.
11. But I am quite confident that the portions of the global ecosystem which created, by evolution, humankind, which made and still make the air and the food, are going to decide they can no longer afford us. Doesn't matter the mechanism. At all.
12. The decision to only worry about climate, temperature, ignore the other collapses, and then to go from there to this bizarre pretense that within climate and carbon, only our emissions are hopelessly out of balance, so all we need is non-emitting gadgetry - it's insulting.
13. Humankind is going to be returned to walking upon the Earth. Our years of rolling across it a mile a minute, of flying over a hundred miles a minute - those won't last.
Pretend all you want.
Earth votes last.
14. All day, every day, people tell me about the overpopulation.
If we didn't have to have a bazillion acres of parking lot, superhighway, airport, we could feed a helluva lot more people.
15. If every person travels no faster than an animal or a river can run, there will be *lots* of room for everyone.
Earth is feeding us now, in spite of the insane way we torture her. Why do you say she can't feed us? Where the hell do you think our food is coming from?
16. We are exactly, no more and no less, than small units of planet Earth, mostly carbon out of the air, and nitrogen, and lots of hydrogen and oxygen.
Where, exactly, do we think that stuff came from?
So these little pieces of Earth get identities, like lots of pieces do,
17. But for some insane reason these pieces decide they need to kill all the other pieces, and pour concrete and asphalt over them, and park cars on them, and explain to Jeffie (who is a little slow on the uptake) that we need to power these cars with the sun that used to grow🌿
18. That stuff we killed and paved was the system that created us in the first place, and in the second place it created us personally, our own personal bodies and brains, and other people's children's, this Earth made all that of itself, and that portion said,
19. Cool! I think I'll kill this machine!
And then some of them said, "No, don't kill *that* part," make me renewable energy...
Y'all, it ain't gonna work. And that real system out there *seriously* does not care what people want.
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