Everyone talks about Ursula's queerness, but can we please admit that ONLY a queer man could have ever created a character like Gaston, who's entire raison d'etre is satirizing butch masculinity?
"I use antlers in all of my DEEEECORAAAAATING!"

"Every last inch of me's COVERED IN HAIR!"
Look me in the eye and tell me a cishet man could ever have written these lyrics:
I guess the reason people don't talk it about it so much is because Gaston isn't queer coded, like Ursula or Scar, he's instead a queer COMMENTARY UPON straight men! He's a perfect reversal of the countless villains that are straight people's negative image of queer/trans people.
He's arrogant, he's entitled, he's cruel, he only pays attention to hygiene or domestic tasks when they serve his vanity but not for things like darning his socks, he has shitty taste, he's tacky, he's a bully, he hates anything that's different, he's purely superficial but not…
…even in a way that has an aesthetic sensibility, just in terms of trying to perfectly embody social conventions, he thinks he's gorgeous but he has countless disgusting habits, and EVERYONE INEXPLICABLY LOVES HIM ANYWAY.

I can't speak for EVERY AMAB queer/tran on Earth, but…
Oh, and violence and/or bullying are his solutions to everything. :)
P.S. HOW MANY FUCKING SERVANTS DID THE BEAST *HAVE*?!?! Cos if we’re assuming EVERY animate item in the castle was once human, dude was somehow employing a whole small city!!!!
I rationalize it by saying a lot of what we see is just stylization, and that ordinary dishes and furniture and stuff were brought to life along with the servants and animals being turned into like.
I’m gonna say that the castle had around 50 actual staff members. Cogsworth (butler), Lumiere (valet), oven (cook), teapot (housekeeper), wardrobe (chambermaid), feather duster (junior maid), etc
Lumiere and Cogsworth are tricky cos Cogsworth has apparent AUTHORITY, suggesting butler, but Lumiere focuses more on dining and dishes and such, which ALSO suggests butler, while Cogsworth seems more personal servant to the master, suggesting valet or batman. So either way?
Cogsworth COULD just be a valet with an inflated sense of his importance and disrespect for the butler, though.
For those unaware:

Butlers were head of male staff, but also personally responsible for the wine cellar and silverware.

Valets were personal attendants to a male master, helping with dressing, grooming, appointments, etc.
I know way too much about the specifics of archaic house servant roles and hierarchy.
Enchantress was a huge jerk to punish the domestic staff for their employer being an asshole

Yah there’s degrees of complicity - that’s one of THE core, essential themes of Remains of the Day- but c’mon: “you’re a feather duster now, possibly eternally” is a TAD disproportionate
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