On the ground in Kenosha, WI for @townhallcom.

Currently surveying the damage after the riots that occurred in response to the police shooting of Jacob Blake. A lot of buildings are boarded up, including the Kenosha County Democratic Party building.
A walkthrough of the remains of the car lot that was set on fire last night in Kenosha.
Damaged and burned out Kenosha city trucks.
Current scene outside the Kenosha County Courthouse:
BLM march now going through the residential area of Kenosha.
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Police deploy tear gas outside the Kenosha County Courthouse after multiple warnings to the crowd to stop throwing objects at the cops.
Police outside the Kenosha County Courthouse continue to fire less-than-lethal ordinance as rioters throw projectiles at them.
Police push back some agitators by firing pepper balls and the formation moves up to establish a bigger perimeter outside the Kenosha County Courthouse.
The situation degraded as a large BLM protest group showed up at the Kenosha County Courthouse. Rioters in the crowd started to throw projectiles at the officers, who responded with tear gas.
A rioter poured gasoline on a Kenosha garbage truck and set it on fire.
The garbage truck fire got pretty big as a police armored truck drove by.
A different rioter tried to set another Kenosha garbage truck on fire.
Kenosha garbage truck fire is thiccc.
🚨🚨🚨: Finally spotted the National Guard deploying to downtown Kenosha.
Rioters have set fire to the cars in the lot that survived last night’s blaze and have torn down street lights.
Quick update on the Kenosha riots:
Another parking lot full of cars were set on fire, with a house right next to the parking lot.
Can report fire trucks are responding to fires under police escort but they have to drive by many because of the amount of fires in Kenosha.
This is the moment I mentioned earlier. These armed citizens said they support the protests but not the riots because people are hurting their own community.

Later on, as a car dealership was under attack by rioters, one of the armed men stepped in and stopped it.
Police in Kenosha are starting to stage at burning buildings to secure the area so it’s safe for the fire trucks to respond.
From earlier in the night: Rioters used umbrellas to advance towards the Kenosha County Courthouse to throw projectiles and fireworks, police then used less-than-lethal rounds to make them fall back.
The National Guard is helping the Sheriff’s Department guard the Kenosha County Courthouse.
This is what it looks like to walk down a street in Kenosha:
From earlier in the night: One of the many buildings that was set on fire in Kenosha.
Another Kenosha garbage truck has been set on fire.
Things have mostly died. Some protesters are still at the courthouse but it looks like the widespread chaos in Kenosha is over for right now. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
Kenosha city crews are cleaning up from last night’s riot. On this street almost every street light was torn down and all the cars in one lot are now burned out.
People are also cleaning up businesses that were heavily damaged during the Kenosha riot last night.
One woman who works in the part of Kenosha that was heavily damaged last night, including where she works, said the rioting is “sickening” and that the rioters shouldn’t take it out on innocent people.
I spoke with Scott and his mother Linda. Their furniture store was set on fire last night during the Kenosha riots. Linda cried at the sight of the wreckage.

Scott had a response to people who would say it's just property and there's insurance. Full vid: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2020/08/25/kenosha-business-owners-and-residents-speak-out-after-rioters-destroy-buildings-in-another-night-of-chaos-n2575006
A lawyer representing Jacob Blake and his family says Blake is paralyzed, has holes in his stomach, damage to his kidneys/liver, has extensive damage to his colon and small intestines, and was shot in the arm.
National Guardsmen are behind the fencing that was set up today at the Kenosha County Courthouse. Wouldn’t be surprised if this turns into another Portland federal courthouse situation.
Young woman outside the Kenosha County Courthouse shouts, “ Kill the police!” while holding an American flag.
An American flag was just burned outside the Kenosha County Courthouse. One woman screams, “Death to America!” and kicks the fence.
Rioters are trying to tear down the fence outside the Kenosha County Courthouse.
Rioters are now throwing projectiles at police and the National Guardsmen outside the Kenosha County Courthouse.
Police at the Kenosha County Courthouse shoot pepper balls at rioters using shields that enable their comrades to throw projectiles at a closer distance.
An armored police truck came up to disperse the crowd. Officer on top fired tear gas and rioters threw projectiles.
Rioters in Kenosha throw fireworks at the police and the National Guardsmen.
After giving multiple warnings to the crowd to disperse because it’s an unlawful assembly, police came out behind the fence and pushed everyone out of the park across the street from the Kenosha County Courthouse.
Police and rioters continue to battle with each other in the streets of Kenosha.
A lot happening right now. Rioters seen breaking up rocks so it’s easier to throw. One rioters breaking a window. Police continue to use armored trucks to push rioters away.
What it’s like to be by the armored police vehicles in Kenosha:
Rioters are getting into confrontations with armed citizens who are out here to prevent looting and destruction to businesses.
More confrontations between rioters and armed citizens.
A tire fire has been started in the parking lot of a car dealership in Kenosha.
🚨🚨🚨: Multiple gunshots are fired after people chased a guy with a rifle. Rifle dude tripped and fell. He fired his gun at a guy who jumped on top of him.
A car is on fire across the street from the Kenosha hospital.
Police have moved into the scene of the first shooting in Kenosha.
And for those asking, I’m all good. Adrenaline is still pumping tho.
Here’s video of the man’s wounds, I recorded him being shot in Kenosha. His right arm is badly damaged. Credit: @ louriealex (instagram)
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