"Dysphoria". An artist wakes up to be the woman he always dreamed of.
I've been struggling for a long time with questions regarding my gender. I often dream of looking in the mirror and seeing a female's face staring right back at me.
While I've been off and on hormones for a while now and my body has developed some female characteristics, such as in the breasts (it's awesome, by the way), the rest of my body remains stubbornly in the male category. It's quite a source of pain for me.
I look at other women, trans and cis, with considerable envy. While I do partly have a trans fetish as my often exaggerated transformations display (as seen in the Bim Fever series), it's so much more than that.

I suffer from a desire to be female.
Drawing TG art helps a bit and it delights me to hear when trans people or those with the trans fetish enjoy them. I'll keep on drawing these kind of transformations and beautiful women in general until I'm six feet under. Thanks for all of your support, comments, and follows.
I wish I could wake up and have the bone structure, size, organs, and body of a female, like my illustration above demonstrates. I wish I was born a female. The fact that I'm not depresses me at times.
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