why we should not refer to women as ‘females’, a thread.
women and female have different meanings first off, female is universal to ALL species. ex. my cat is female. it just sounds so fucking weird
it reduces women down to the fact they can reproduce humans, basically feeding into the ‘walking vaginas’ mentality. it’s dehumanizing.
+ also it’s exclusionary!! not all women are biologically females. the only time female should be used is to tell someone your gender.
i’ve literally NEVER heard a men be called ‘males’. it sounds so ,,,,, yucky???? what’s not clicking
it basically proves you have an inferiority complex to not even see other genders , women in this case, as equal.
this part is barely even relevant but that literally grammatically sounds so weird and can easily show sexism based on the context
note : men can’t face sexism or oppression, never have men been treated poorly because they are men. so people saying “men are garbage,” is not equal to oppression.
also :) the term you are looking for instead already exists. and it’s women.
- end of thread !
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