Today, speaking from NC, @realDonaldTrump finally broke his silence on the election fraud in #nc09.

As much as Trump cries about fraud, you'd think he would have condemned it... Instead, he praised the candidate behind the fraud as a "fine man" - because he was a Republican.
This is the man who, after hiring a felon that stole ballots, got caught hiding emails, breaking laws, and was implicated by his own son. Several on his campaign were indicted. Fraud is rare in US elections, but this was the largest case of election fraud in modern US history.
By praising the Republican whose campaign committed election fraud, @realDonaldTrump continues his disgusting hypocrisy. Consider: Trump votes absentee himself. But when Democrats want to do so, he claims it's riddled with fraud.
Trump wants you to believe that Democrats are rigging the election. The truth? It's him.

Trump's attacks on mail-in voting are just the latest trick in a long playbook of voter suppression, usually aimed at voters of color, just like here in #nc09.
What's going on here? If you ask me, @realDonaldTrump sees he's going to lose the election, so he's trying to win the only way he can, by cheating. He's a four-year-old having a temper tantrum, trying to flip over the checkers board before he loses.

We can't let that happen.
You can follow @McCreadyForNC.
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