Cats the movie.. is a good movie.
I watched it a couple weeks back and really enjoyed it. I've been trying to get my head are the reaction it received. Sitting down to watch it I was genuinely thinking that I was gonna struggle through it, cringing & fighting the distraction that is twitter but..
its a great adaptation. It felt more like I was watching a Westend show which..(spoiler alert) Cats is.
Sure, Jason Derulo's English accent is questionable and he looses it the second he breaks into song and Rebel Wilson tries al little too hard to steal the show
Ian McKellen dives right in & commits to this part as if one of his nine lives depended on it! đŸ±

This movie SHOULD have cleaned up at awards season for choreography, costumes & a rock solid vocal performances from Jennifer Hudson
instead it got panned & even its own cast members slagged it off [Rebel Wilson]. If you approached this movie expecting it to be have traditional three act story arch & havnt seen much musical theatre then I get why you won't have liked it..b
but, for a balls to the wall, interpretive dance filled, bat shit crazy movie about cats.. it was great

Now, if you don't mind I'm gonna hit send on this thread before checking for spelling or grammar errors because this isn't a college dissertation.. it's a tweat
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