How to be kinder to yourself when you fuck up (a thread):
1. Thank your mistakes. What did they teach you? What purpose did they serve in the person you want to become?
2. Stop beating yourself up. You’re doing the best with what you know. It’s okay to feel bad about a mistake, but set boundaries with yourself. Give more energy to who you want to become than to who you were.
3. Own your mistakes. Normalize saying, “I don’t have an excuse. I’ll do better.” The more time you spend deflecting responsibility, the more pain you inflict on others and yourself.
4. Acknowledging your mistakes doesn’t mean others are allowed to weaponize them to manipulate you. Own your mistakes, but also own your dignity and draw boundaries when necessary.
5. Remember, people have a lot to think about on any given day besides you. People aren’t dwelling on your mistakes as much as you think they are.
6. Think outside of yourself. If others have been affected by your actions, what do they need from you moving forward?
7. Don’t take what they need personally. If they need space, give it. If they need reassurance, give it. Helping others heal helps you heal too.
8. Forgiving yourself is just as important as others forgiving you. The more patience and compassion you show yourself, the more compassion you’ll have towards others when they too, inevitably fuck up.
9. Ask yourself: Did you apologize? Did you take full ownership of your part in the situation? Can you accept that perfection doesn’t exist in anyone? Have you committed to showing up better in the future? If so, let it go.
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