I've definitely said it before, but it's worth repeating:

- Any time you comment on a tweet, it adds visibility to it.

Commenting with "Neat" or "That's great" on an artist or creator's post might seem disingenuous, but it's literally one of the most helpful things you can do.
Since it seems like we haven't done one of these full things in a bit... some more...

Make them for artists/creators/content makers that you want to support. On occasion... just swing through the list feed and hype up those creators that could use a boost.
If you want to:

Make a streamers day but don't have much money... spend time ---> https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Close%20to%20affiliate%22&src=typed_query

Find dope ttrpg artists to support ---> https://twitter.com/search?q=%22art%22%20(ttrpg%20OR%20fantasy%20OR%20dnd)&src=typed_query

Find dope creators reaching follower thresholds (many of which have giveaways) ---> https://twitter.com/search?q=%22followers%22%20(%23dnd)&src=typed_query
If you want to appear in other people's feeds, another good thing to do is respond to people, whether on one of their posts or your own. It's a little harder to influence the algorithm in this way... but that's why your profile pic and bio are important.
"My commissions are open and I post about it all the time, but nobody sees it. What should I do??"

A: Put yourself out there and hunt down opportunity! Don't work harder, work SMARTER! ---> https://twitter.com/search?q=art%20commission%20%22%22looking%20for%22%22&src=typeahead_click
I'm hella distracted because I'm trying to finish work that I should have been doing instead of being on Twitter all day, so this thread is already a little loose... so if you have any questions I can answer to help you beat the algorithm and grow you passion, just lemme know.
Oh... One last thing. This counts for Stuff you don't like too. Any time you're thinking about QRT some or jumping into the fray to speak your peace, you are, in a way, helping to spread that message. Go find someone who needs support and comment something nice to them instead.😊
Do me a fave and like this post if it appears in your feed.

Pro Tip: After a tweet ages out, it becomes less visible no matter how much interaction it gets. That being said, compare this post to many of my others, and the proof should be clear. If you comment... they will come.
I've been meaning to do a half dozen in-depth 5-10 minute vids that answer all the questions I got here and the last time I did one of these... so if you, or someone you know can twerk After Effects, slide into them DMs. Paying gig (because) you should ALWAYS. PAY. YOUR. ARTISTS.
You can follow @DnDeej.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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