Alright, so let's see what @ProjectLincoln is really up to.

First off a note from one of their own: Michael McFaul 

This man absolutely hates democracy and the will of the people.

"if you don't vote my way, we'll make you vote my way"
So who is Michael McFaul?

Obama's ambassador to Russia, see here:
What else has Mike said about color revolutions?

he loves color revolutions, is is just his tweets? nope, he's the go-to guy for color revolution research, see here:
Let's keep going and see what we can find out about the methods being used by the @ProjectLincoln

"Michael McFaul has been perhaps most explicit about conditions which facilitate a ‘colour revolution’"

Let's break it down:

The factors for success include

(1) a semi-autocratic rather than fully autocratic regime

**exactly what @ProjectLincoln says Trump is**

(2) an unpopular incumbent;

**Trump again**

(3) a united and organized opposition;

**Trump again**

(4) an ability quickly to drive home the point that voting results were falsified;

***what @SpeakerPelosi is setting up now with USPS drama***

(5) enough independent media to inform citizens about the falsified vote;

***@cnn, @MSNBC, @FoxNews all on board***

(6) a political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest electoral fraud;

***yep, we have #BlackLivesMatter and #Antifa aka @BarackObama's "Summer of Chaos"

(7) divisions among the regime's coercive forces

***every few days a new set of "true Conservatives" sides with @JoeBiden, it was @JeffFlake today***

last piece

"With regard to conditions relevant to democratization, it is useful to point to the five interacting ‘arenas’ ... to be associated with democracy:

1. the rule of law
2. economic society
3. political society
4. the state apparatus
5. civil society."

1. the rule of law - all Trump's advisors arrested
2. economic society - COVID tanks economy
3. political society - strife and division from @SpeakerPelosi
4. the state apparatus - same as above
5. civil society - riots in the streets

folks, we are under attack by the @DNC and @ProjectLincoln in a full scale color revolution in attempt to remove @realDonaldTrump from power. It's not just them, it's also Germany, the UN, China, and Iran.

Should those involved be charged with treason?

@BillKristol @TheRickWilson @gtconway3d @BarackObama @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @FoxNews @cnn @msnbc @McFaul @ProjectLincoln and gang have declared full scale war on American

that's what's happening right now

pay close to attention to what happens next, see the outline above
@BarackObama did the same thing with Libya, Egypt, and Ukraine, and he's mobilized his people to execute that same plan on the American voter in the summer of 2020

All you need to do is ensure @realDonaldTrump wins, the rest will be taken care of in courts of law.
Question might come up. "How do we prevent/stop a color revolution?"

@ProjectLincoln has forced us to look to Russia for how to deal w/ Western color revolutions, which is what we're experiencing

document describes Russian technique:
i'll be extrapolating the methods proposed in the document above as well current US defense strategy used to repel color revolutions on US soil. the deep state didn't anticipate that we'd become wise to the revolution as they countries they did this in didn't wake up in time
we have the unique opportunity to repel the color revolution declared on Trump and his supporters, i suggest you keep you stay focused, we have 71 days to repel this, notify your family and friends about what is happening, this is urgent. thank you
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