There is a concerning trend in evangelicalism:

Whenever a leader's evil behavior is exposed, a lot of people run to protect the institution they built/ran.

While this is usually couched as concern for the reputation of Christ/Christianity, it seems an odd focus. /1
1) If the institution was so connected with the leader, then was it truly a monument to Christ at all? Rather, was it not a monument to the man?

2) Why is it the organization that gets sympathy, while the victims of the leader go without justice or even acknowledgement? /2
3) If the institution was so connected with the leader, might it not have the leader's evil tendencies written on it's DNA? If so, perhaps the best thing would be a deconstruction or at the least deep surgery, rather than attempting a quick-fix rescue? /3
Finally, Christ said that the Gates of Hades would not prevail against the Church.

This promise does not apply to organizations & institutions, and we should not attempt to make it do so.

Idolatry, I fear, is real, and often followed by 501c3
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