It's important to remember that antisemitism has always been present & Jews have been persecuted in some way or another throughout history. Pinning the presence of AS on the state of Israel (this event took place 19 years before Israel was created) is historical revisionism.
Historical revisionism does a disservice to Jews, Palestinians and activists working for a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is ONLY through understanding the history, experiences and trauma of both sides that you can work towards a just solution.
Too often I see things like:
'Palestinians aren't even a people they're actually Jordanian'

'Jews have no connection to the land of Israel, they're all white Europeans'

Who does it help? How can you understand the way forward if you don't understand the past?
And yes I'm obviously coming from a Jewish perspective. But listen and uplift Palestinian voices too. When they talk about the trauma of the Nakba, the experiences of living under occupation and their connection to the land, believe them.
And I'm turning off replies for this thread because whenever I talk about Israel-Palestine on this app there's always so many bad faith people and twitter had blessed me with this feature, peace ✌
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