Re: last RT -> Scents/perfumes are actual magick.

They're not a superfluous complement you use only when you're going out. They're intended to be worn every. single. day.

I have been wearing perfumes everyday for at least a decade now. IT WORKS. (thread)
You can choose one scent and make it your signature one, assigning to it your intentions through sigils or other resources.

Another option (which I prefer, being a Pisces lol) is to have an array of scents and assign each one a function/intention, and switch btwn them.
You can also layer scents according to your mood and desired intentions for every occasion.

Learn about hot spots of your circulatory system and about the spots where you sweat the most. This can add duration and individuality to your fragrances when you use them.
Never go to bed without a fragrance, regardless of your plans for the night. It doesn't matter if you sleep alone or if you have company.

Your fragrance should never eclipse you or overtake the whole room. Don't overdo it. RESPECT perfume by not abusing it.
Aside from commercial perfumes there are also custom-made fragrances, or aromatic oils. Do your research, experiment, and use them together or separately for your greatest benefit.

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