Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with a voter in the district. Gen-X, mid-fifties, lifelong Democrat, very conservative. We were speaking about the Presidential election, but more specifically Joe Biden. What he said to me, made me think about the state of our
country. He brought up the crime bill and stated how my generation did not understand how bad the crime was in our communities, and it was simply needed for that time. He then went on to state that it is very possible for Biden to have been racist during those days,
he stated a lot of politicians were, commenting, “those were the times.” He then goes on to ask me, “are people not allowed to change?” Now... I know I’ve gotten on this app and explicitly spoken about idealism versus reality, but when lives are at stake, I don’t believe there
should be any type of compromise. However, I realized this is how the relationship between the government and the people operates; and this is wrong in my opinion. Righteousness, and deeds that are for the greater good of the collective should never be bartered ESPECIALLY
when it deals with government, the entity that is supposed to work for the behalf of the people. So I’m curious. If voters are willing to openly state that it’s a strong possibility for Biden to have been racist, why is so much grace extended to him now during the era of
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