1/6 Over the weekend, John MacArthur insisted that you can’t be a Christian and vote Democrat, that voting Republican is equivalent to being a Christian. Without any political agenda of my own, may I offer for your consideration the prophetic point of view.
2/6 According to the book of Revelation, the world will end by means of a majority voting block of Christians creating a zero sum game in which allegiance to the state and to God will be made equivalent.
3/6 John explains that the citizenry will be forced to express their loyalty to God in compliance with a legislated political mandate or they will suffer financial penalties &, finally, the death penalty, under a state-run, church-instigated persecution of a minority resistance.
4/6 John graphically depicts a whore riding on the back of a beast, symbolizing the church prostituting herself to the state while occupying the position of dominance in the illicit sexual liaison of politics and religion.
5/6 The minority resistance movement, according to John, will be the real followers of the Lamb (Christ) in Gods‘s estimation, while looking like they are anti-Christian to the prostituting church.
6/6 May I suggest that by selling yourself out to any political party as God’s party, you are conditioning yourself to receive the “mark of the beast” in your “forehead” (your belief system) or in your “hand” (compliance for financial security).
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