i want to rant about how both yoongi and his stan are always left behind and thrown under the bus by this fandome mintalety and narratives
lets start with D2, first no one but yoongi stans tried to break numbers with it, armys ignored us did not even stream so it can reach the no #1 on US itunes, then a week later thay all started their mass other members mixtapes and solos streaming parties
we tried after that to make tags for the mixtape, after the first month but i have seen zero army talking about it, add to that vl stans attacking us and yoongi, calling him privileged for having solo music in 4 years, then coming side to side with a hater to drag him
they made yoongi looks like a bad artist, spread lies about him based on an anti tweet, forced bh to manipulate his music, posted an apology under his name that was never needed, normalised dragging him by his own fandome
in the last two months ,bts released 2 Japanese singles, yoongi has 15 sec in the first and 13 sec in the second, on dynamite he had 6 seconds lines and screentime, 3 seconds on the b-side and its not even a solo screentime like the others it was shared with nj
above of all that, yoongi get discredited on daily bases by this fandom, they want his credits under their bias name so bad so they b^lly yoongi stans into shutting up, and yoongi usless stans act like this fandom a$$ lickers when we get zero respect from them
bh never promotes any of his collabs, bh does not even care about fixing his spotify page we always had to sh!t by our selves
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