From a gr 2 teacher friend & shared w/permission:

A math problem...9 tables (not being replaced with desks because "there's no money"), 20 kids, but up to 23 is possible. Masks not required. 2 lucky kiddos sit alone, the rest share tables. They are 150cm long 75cm wide
There are 30 coat hooks so not enough to leave an empty hook between each child. Barely 1m or less between tables and walls to walk through. All kids are supposed to face forwards. This is also where students eat.
My teacher desk is trapped in the back but my Smartboard computer is at the front, less than 1m from the sink students will use numerous times a day.
So how do we distance students let alone ourselves??? They will have less than 1 meter. If you know, please tell me. If you were expecting changes in classrooms, don't. Now imagine our junior and intermediate rooms with another 10-15 students added?

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