Jacob Blake. Say his name. Blake was a 29 year old male who was shot by cops on August 23rd in Wisconsin. Cops were called to a dispute, Jacob was attempting to break it up. As Jacob was walking back to his car, completely innocently, doing nothing wrong, he was followed at gun+
point and once almost inside he was pulled by his shirt was shot 7 times in the back. Blake was transported to a hospital in serious condition. The officers involved were placed on administrative leave. A fucking leave! +
This will not stand! This is not fucking okay. Take action! Spread awareness! Do what you can! If you are staying quiet abt this and what other black people, the whole black community, is going through you are the problem too! People should not be scared to leave their+
house because they are black. People should not be terrified of cops because they are black. People should not be assaulted and/or killed because they are black! #BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForJacobBlake
This is the link to one of the news story. Graphic warning! This shows the shooting, so please watch with caution!
once I know more abt his condition I will let you know.
From what I have read he is out of surgery and is stable atm. I will keep this thread updated as more news appears.
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