The Benefits of Serving a Mission 1/? #DezNat #HearHim #TwitterStake #genconf

It is natural & normal to be hesitant in serving a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I will be going through the benefits of serving. You already know you doubts
You have the opportunity to be set apart as an official representative of Jesus Christ for 18 mos or 2 years.

Studying the scriptures for a 1-3 hours a day for the duration of your mission. You can read the entire standard works 1-3 times if you are really committed.

You will come away from your mission with a profound and enhanced knowledge of the scriptures.

Becoming a better roommate and being prepared for marriage.

You will be paired with companions who are complete chads, and others who are complete duds. If you are humble and open to learning to increase your love, nothing can hinder you from success with your companions.

You learn that love is an infinite resource.

Your ability to love like Jesus loves increases. You love for people in your area grows and then you are transferred and your love increases again for a whole new group of people.

You learn how to identify the Holy Ghost communicating with you.

This goes hand in hand with becoming well-versed in the scriptures. If you understand the scriptures better you will have more for the Holy Ghost to draw from.

Back on the theme of loving. Your soul will grow so much and you will be able to love others in such a way that there will be sorrow for those who reject the message.

Learning a second language.

This can either be learning the language of the Spirit or literally learning another language.

There is something refining where you are struggle to find the words to teach simple gospel principles.

The ability to reframe trials.

It is easy to blame God or others when things do not go right. We can even blame ourselves harshly. Learning an healthy understanding and balance between what you can do better, other people's agency, and God's timing.

Learning to follow Priesthood leaders who have stewardship over you.

Your mission president will give you personal or mission-wide direction many times throughout your mission. Trust that God called your mission president.

On following priesthood leaders. The mission gives you opportunity to not only obey but to confirm direction from God.

The same spirit that possesses your body in the mission will possess your body in the life to come.

You can decide how you respond to things.

You learn how to work with people/members from different socioeconomic statuses.

You study habits will increase, not matter where you begin on your mission, the mission schedule allows you to learn how to study well. This will transfer over to post-mission life.

Learning how to resolve problems. There is a specific step you will do each week to resolve issues. This will be indispensable for the rest of your life. Learning how to voice your concerns in a civil manner and listening to the concerns other have for you is a superpower.

You tithe on the first 20 years of your life. The Lord never forgets your missionary service.

If I took a survey of my mission cohort and compared it to my high school cohort, the mission cohort has way more doctors, graduate degrees, six figure incomes, and lawyers.
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