With everything going on with Jerry Falwell and Liberty University, the topic of #churchtoo and church abuse is back in the limelight. Which, whether you're a Christian or not, chances are you've been hurt by other Christians and church leadership. 1/x
Growing up Mormon, I never heard about evangelical abuse. Of course, I heard about the Catholic Church and controversy over pedophilia and sexual abuse, but never once did any of my Protestant friends mention church abuse. Then I became a Christian, and that changed. 2/x
Traveling all over the country with my band at the time, we heard testimonies of people who loved God but wanted nothing to do with the church. At the time, I wasn't a part of a church community, but I could sympathize with the concerns. 3/x
Dealing with mild abuse myself, though, was eye-opening. It almost ruined my relationship with my soon-to-be wife. Leaders on staff slandering my name, not knowing who I even was. (Bigger church.) All because I didn't "toe the line" with their beliefs. 4/x
Nothing could have prepared me, though, for hearing from a member of our last church, who suffered sexual abuse under C.J. Mahaney's leadership. Thanks to @R_Denhollander's work, stuff started getting done, but of course, this unnamed woman was slandered for speaking out. 5/x
Then when Harlow was born and we were struggling financially, this church completely dropped the ball regarding pastoral care. Yes, it was during the pandemic. But I had friends on staff who advocated on our behalf, despite the elders digging in their heels. 6/x
This was a church we had been going to for years, and we both had served on staff in different capacities. But when the pastor recused themselves, they didn't want to bring in a new pastor. They felt they could "lead" the church on their own. Truth is: they couldn't. 7/x
I could go on and on, but the point remains evangelicals have been getting away with abuse all across the board, and whether it's the idolatry of Trump or Christians all across the country finally feeling empowered to speak out, the empire is finally crumbling. 8/x
This isn't to say Christianity is wrong, or that churches shouldn't exist. But that as I've matured, I totally understand why people have walked away. There have been countless instances of abuse and gaslighting left unchecked, and why would anyone want to stick around? 9/x
So if that's you- Christian or not- please know we understand the pain. We are here for you to process or talk, if you feel comfortable. But also that we apologize for the times our faith has hurt others, in our zeal and passion. 10/x
That attitude isn't confined to Christianity; we can be too passionate about anything in life, even our fandom passions, and hurt others. But accountability is so important, and I'm thankful for churches taking the stand to root abusers out. 11/x
Anyways. Life is tough, especially right now. But we want to be a safe place for y'all, and whatever that looks like, let us know. (End)
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