Advice for receiving downloads in your dreams: You have to try and accept and believe what’s being shown to you. It’s easy to pick apart what we don’t like and try and turn into what we want. But I find the more I trust what i’m seeing, the more it reveals itself.
While yes many dreams have symbolism, i’m more so referring to very clear messages. Like if you have a dream where someone is telling or showing you something very specific, you shouldn’t discredit that, even if it’s something you didn’t wanna hear. Messages come in all forms.
When you ignore the scary parts or the uncomfortable parts, it blocks you from being able to see things more clearly. It’s kind of like being in denial but in the dreamworld. You have to try and keep an open mind.
For example: I’ve had dreams about someone cheating on me, and they were. Even though that could’ve just been my fears projecting, it was still trying to show me something so I didn’t discredit it. I kept it in mind, Even though it was very hurtful.
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