Unfollow @W0ULDY0UBURYM3, I can corroborate everything here. Leviathan always gave me clingyish vibes, but until Eyebrow came to me on Saturday I hadn't realized how bad it was. Even from the outside, though, it was obvious that they were trying to get involved in everything. + https://twitter.com/CYANlDEY0UDRANK/status/1297922237643841539
We couldn't watch a movie without them trying to invite themself. I, his irl best friend of 12 years, couldn't show affection without them vaguing me on their priv that they KNEW I had access to. Every time we hung out, it was "not fucking fair" that they couldn't. +
I remember in particular a time that they made him video call twice in a two-hour outing we went on. This got to be such a problem that he had to pretend his data was running out or that his mom wanted him because he literally could not escape otherwise. +
And even outside of their relationship, Leviathan was always shitty to me. They very clearly wanted to replace me, they'd make fun of our nicknames and make me feel bad for being his friend, but when he wasn't around they'd vent about their abuse without warning. +
We didn't have a close relationship and they'd never ask, they'd just spam me with "toast toast toast" and then when I responded they'd let loose. It's not a trigger but it makes me panicky, especially when done without permission.
To them I was just a stand-in for Eyebrow. When he was offline or trying to avoid them, they thought I was the second-best thing despite us not having an established friendship at all. This was the first one-on-one interaction we had, and that was always the general tone. +
For more of an in-depth explanation of everything, read Eyebrow's original tweet and this thread I made on them. https://twitter.com/toastrebel/status/1297573527269388290?s=19
On a good note, I want to give major props to @CYANlDEY0UDRANK. I refuse to take credit for "saving" him or something, but he knew something was up, trusted his gut, and came to me first instead of talking to them and risking more abuse. I'm really, really happy to have helped.
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