Here's the thing about Jerry Falwell, Jr. No one would give a singular shit about his personal life if he didn't actively campaign on a puritanical platform demanding adherence to heteronormative/cishet, monogamous relationships.

But gander, goose, et al.
Whatever consenting adults do because closed doors only becomes a relevant topic of conversation when evangelical Christianity as the only acceptable norm is catapulted at Americans by folks like Falwell each and every day.
And this is death grip on power that adherents to evangelical Christianity fight to maintain. They're uninterested in the fact that the United States is pluralistic. It's about power. It's about supremacy. It's about money.

But even Euro Jesus flipped tables over that.
And to @seanvaughnjovi's point, in Falwell's case extortion was tied to politics in a big and scary and disgusting fashion.
So no, I don't care if Jerry Falwell, Jr. likes to watch. I don't care if he likes threesomes.

I DO care that he was probably blackmailed to endorse a political campaign, and I DO care that he's perpetuating a hella toxic riff on Christianity.
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