chrollo’s last name Lucilfer refers back to Lucifer (light bringer) which is actually the Latin name for the planet Venus. Astronomy and mythology went hand in hand; the Morning Star, second in brightness only to the Sun, fell from heaven when he refused to cede to a mere human
At first glance, he is written as Kurapika’s foil; as one had the love and loss of family and purity, so did the other lack that background. One is apathetic and numb to the consequences of his actions; the other is raw emotion personified.
But ultimately— both of them are truly horrific. When Kurapika asks Melody why she was shating her trauma with him, she replied “I thought that a devil like you would lead me to another”. Melody is sent into despair at the horrible sound of his and Chrollo’s heartbeats in harmony
Kurapika’s got the support of his friends, but he’s completely unwilling to accept their love and sacrifices. Chrollo’s the head of the Spider, but considers Pakunoda’s sacrifice to be a deep betrayal of their relationship. It’s reductive to call this a foil; it’s more complex.
They’re both completely apathetic in their views of death. Melody explains that both of them “died a long time ago”. Neither of them really live for anything other than furthering the wishes of their respective families. Kurapika breathes only to avenge, and Chrollo only to lead.
kurapika is the Sun, and Chrollo is the Morning Star. The Sun’s raging rays illuminate Venus, which glows, reflecting away that power, its brightness the greatest in the night sky. That hot and hellish planet, barren and lifeless, has a beauty evoking war and love.
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